Email, Text, and Phone Scripts Word For Word Follow Up
Use these scripts manually or copy and paste them into your email, text, or voicemail automation software.
*Replace the bold font with your information*
Phone Call 1: Immediately
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>, <LO title> with <LO Company Name>. I just received your information and I’m really excited because I’ve helped a lot of people in your area already with a home loan and it seems like you may be great fit. When would be a good time to talk about loans we have to offer? You can reach me at <LO phone number>. Thanks, talk to you soon!
Text 1: 5 minutes after call 1
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>, <LO title> with <LO Company Name>. I just left a voicemail regarding the information you submitted about employer loans. When would be a good time to talk?
Email #1: 5 minutes after text 1
Subject: Your Employer Loan Inquiry
Body: Hi <Lead Name>
I received your information for employer loans.
When would be a good time to talk about what loan programs I have to offer?
Reply to this email or call/text me at (555) 555-5555.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
Phone Call 2: One Day After email 1
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>. I’m calling to follow up on the voicemail I left for you yesterday. Have time to talk <this/next> week about what you may qualify for? Go ahead and give me a call at <LO Phone>. Thanks, talk soon!
Text 2: 1 Hour after call 2
Script: Hi <lead name>. I’m following up on the text I sent yesterday. Have time to talk <this/next> week about what loans you may qualify for?
Email #2: 1 Day after text 2
Subject: Homeownership Explained…
Body: Hi <Lead Name>,
Home ownership means never having to worry about moving. Owning a home gives you a feeling that’s hard to describe… it makes you feel like you’ve arrived, like you’ve succeeded.
Home ownership simply feels GOOD.
The process of buying a home though is both a thrilling and exhausting experience, especially when it comes to getting the mortgage. Think about the mounds of paperwork, the different programs available, the way rates move… right?
But I want you to know I’m here to help. That means answering questions, with answers that apply to YOU and YOUR unique situation.
It also means helping you get a low rate. Did you know that I monitor market conditions, and can help you get a low rate?
I’m also here to make the process easier, to help satisfy all of the conditions of getting a mortgage, and to make sure that you take advantage of the different options that may be available.
Did you know that there are literally dozens of different mortgage loans available?
I can help find the right ones for you.
Call me at 555-555-5555 so I can walk you through the process of getting approved, and help you feel good buying a home.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
P.S. tomorrow I’ll show you how you might be able to get me (or any other lender) to help pay your closing costs!
Phone Call 3: One day after email 2
Script: Hi <lead name>, this is <lo name>. Do you have time to talk <this/next> week? I get hundreds of questions about home loans and I want to make sure you’re prepared with all the information you need. My number is <phone number>. Looking forward to talking soon.
Text 3: 1 Hour after call 3
Script: Hi <lead name>, have time to talk <this/next> week? I want to make sure you have all your questions answered to be best prepared for a home loan. Talk soon!
Email #3: 1 day after text 3
Subject: Get the lender to pay your closing costs?
I found another resource guide that I thought may be helpful to you, and it’s a quick read. It explains how you can have the lender pay some or even all of your closing costs!
You can grab a copy of it here:
>>> View and download the resource guide
I know that buying a home and everything that goes with it can be confusing and even overwhelming, especially qualifying for a mortgage.
I hope the resources I share with you help. Remember that I’m always here to help too.
Call me at 555-555-5555 so I can walk you through the process of homeownership and equip you with all the info you need.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
PS, tomorrow I’ll share the FAQs of homeownership.
Phone Call 4: One day after email 3
Script: Hi <lead name>, this is <lo name>. I understand you may be busy and have other priorities right now. If you prefer not to stay in contact, please let me know… I’ll understand. I don’t want to pester you but I don’t want to lose touch either. If you’re still interested in a home loan, call me back at <LO number>. Thanks, have a great day!
Text 4: 1 hour after call 4
Script: Hi <lead name>, it looks like I missed you again earlier today. If you’ve gotten busy and prefer not to stay in contact, please just let me know…I’ll understand. If you’d still like to chat about your home financing, let’s go ahead and get a phone call booked right now.
Email #4: 1 Day after text 4
Subject: Homeownership FAQs…
Here are some common FAQs about homeownership:
How much do I need for a downpayment?
You may be able to secure a loan with as little as 5%, 3.5%, 1% or even 0% down. The amount depends on many variables and your unique situation. I’d be happy to help you figure out how much YOU will need. Just reach out by phone, text, or email and we can setup some time to chat.
How much house can I afford?
Finding an exact number can be difficult without a mortgage professional who can help you understand what you qualify for, discuss what kind of payment you’re comfortable with, compare loan programs, and help you get a low rate.
What will my rate be?
You may be tempted to guess what your rate may be by comparing online rate quotes, but it’s much more complicated than that. The best way to see what rate you qualify for and to get a low rate is to talk with a local mortgage professional.
I just want you to know that I’ve been in the lending business for a long time, and I’ve seen it all. Because of my experience, I love helping folks who may think that they can’t buy a home yet because they don’t think they have enough money or good enough credit.
My specialty is helping those same people qualify for low rate financing and move into a home of their own.
When is the best time to chat?
Please reply and let me know.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
PS, I have a great story to share in the next email.
Email #5: 2 Days After Email 4
Subject: Does this story sound familiar?
Body: Hey <FIRSTNAME>,
Here’s that story that I wanted to share with you (I mentioned it in my last email)…
Christian and Laura were a recently married couple with a young child, and really wanted to own their own home. Now all they needed to do was come up with the money for the down payment and the closing costs – and they had read that with tighter credit standards they would need more money down. Christian and Laura thought that they would need 20% to put down on a home in order to qualify. They didn’t hold much hope though, as they hadn’t been able to put much money aside for a down payment after paying their rent, utilities, student loans, car payments and having a little bit left for buying a cup of coffee once in a while.
Even still, they happened to see a house one day and they fell in love. Christian and Laura decided to see if there were any options, anything at all they could do. They were referred to me to see if I could somehow help them arrange financing so they could purchase that house, and make it a home.
We sat down together, and after I reviewed their entire situation, I went to work for them, intent on finding a way to help them get their house.
As Christian and Laura found out, experience helps. Since this was their first home purchase they lacked experience, but they were able to use mine. I showed Christian and Laura how they could use the money they had saved as a down payment, and the seller and lender could pay their closing costs. Combining that with a recently offered low down payment program that they weren’t aware of, I was able to help them buy their house and make it their home!
The kicker? They are actually paying less now each month than they were paying in rent!
It just goes to show that when you work with a professional who is dedicated to helping you own the home of your dreams, it does happen.
I hope that you find that home of your dreams too!
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
P.S. I’d love to help you too, but I can’t help if I don’t know the particulars. Even if you think it might be too early in the process, or that you are not quite ready yet, reach out and introduce yourself and let’s talk about how I can help you. It’s better to talk too early in the process than too late, and there are lots of things you can do early on to get a better rate and have a better experience when you do decide you are ready. Give me a call, (555) 555-5555.
Email #6: 2 Days After Email 5
Subject: When you are ready…
In mortgage lending there are a lot of things that are uncertain, but one thing I can be sure about is that every scenario is unique. It is important to know exactly what applies to your unique situation, which is why I was hoping to have heard from you by now so I could discuss it with you and be able to help. I’d like to get to know you better so I can truly be a resource for you, like I have for so many others looking to buy a home.
I’m here, ready, and able.
Move at your own pace, but please reach out when time allows so I can make the process of getting a mortgage simpler and easier for you. Remember that the time to talk is BEFORE you are ready to put in an offer on a home, because often times a bit of preparation early on saves you a lot of headaches later.
Even if you think you may be wasting my time, let’s talk anyway. Helping you is never a waste of my time, and you’re not under any obligation at all.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
Community Heroes
*Replace the bold font with your information*
Phone Call 1: Immediately
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>, <LO title> with <LO Company Name>. I just received your information and I’m really excited because I’ve helped a lot of people in your area already with a home loan and it seems like you may be great fit. When would be a good time to talk about loans we have to offer? You can reach me at <LO phone number>. Thanks, talk to you soon!
Text 1: 5 minutes after call 1
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>, <LO title> with <LO Company Name>. I just left a voicemail regarding the information you submitted about community hero loans. When would be a good time to talk?
Email #1: 5 minutes after text 1
Subject: Your Community Heroes Loan Inquiry
Body: Hi <Lead Name>
I received your information for community hero loans.
When would be a good time to talk about what loan programs I have to offer?
Reply to this email or call/text me at (555) 555-5555.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
Phone Call 2: One Day After email 1
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>. I’m calling to follow up on the voicemail I left for you yesterday. Have time to talk <this/next> week about what you may qualify for? Go ahead and give me a call at <LO Phone>. Thanks, talk soon!
Text 2: 1 Hour after call 2
Script: Hi <lead name>. I’m following up on the text I sent yesterday. Have time to talk <this/next> week about what loans you may qualify for?
Email #2: 1 Day after text 2
Subject: Homeownership Explained…
Body: Hi <Lead Name>,
Home ownership means never having to worry about moving. Owning a home gives you a feeling that’s hard to describe… it makes you feel like you’ve arrived, like you’ve succeeded.
Home ownership simply feels GOOD.
The process of buying a home though is both a thrilling and exhausting experience, especially when it comes to getting the mortgage. Think about the mounds of paperwork, the different programs available, the way rates move… right?
But I want you to know I’m here to help. That means answering questions, with answers that apply to YOU and YOUR unique situation.
It also means helping you get a low rate. Did you know that I monitor market conditions, and can help you get a low rate?
I’m also here to make the process easier, to help satisfy all of the conditions of getting a mortgage, and to make sure that you take advantage of the different options that may be available.
Did you know that there are literally dozens of different mortgage loans available?
I can help find the right ones for you.
Call me at 555-555-5555 so I can walk you through the process of getting approved, and help you feel good buying a home.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
P.S. tomorrow I’ll show you how you might be able to get me (or any other lender) to help pay your closing costs!
Phone Call 3: One day after email 2
Script: Hi <lead name>, this is <lo name>. Do you have time to talk <this/next> week? I get hundreds of questions about home loans and I want to make sure you’re prepared with all the information you need. My number is <phone number>. Looking forward to talking soon.
Text 3: 1 Hour after call 3
Script: Hi <lead name>, have time to talk <this/next> week? I want to make sure you have all your questions answered to be best prepared for a home loan. Talk soon!
Email #3: 1 day after text 3
Subject: Get the lender to pay your closing costs?
I found another resource guide that I thought may be helpful to you, and it’s a quick read. It explains how you can have the lender pay some or even all of your closing costs!
You can grab a copy of it here:
>>> View and download the resource guide
I know that buying a home and everything that goes with it can be confusing and even overwhelming, especially qualifying for a mortgage.
I hope the resources I share with you help. Remember that I’m always here to help too.
Call me at 555-555-5555 so I can walk you through the process of homeownership and equip you with all the info you need.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
PS, tomorrow I’ll share the FAQs of homeownership.
Phone Call 4: One day after email 3
Script: Hi <lead name>, this is <lo name>. I understand you may be busy and have other priorities right now. If you prefer not to stay in contact, please let me know… I’ll understand. I don’t want to pester you but I don’t want to lose touch either. If you’re still interested in a home loan, call me back at <LO number>. Thanks, have a great day!
Text 4: 1 hour after call 4
Script: Hi <lead name>, it looks like I missed you again earlier today. If you’ve gotten busy and prefer not to stay in contact, please just let me know…I’ll understand. If you’d still like to chat about your home financing, let’s go ahead and get a phone call booked right now.
Email #4: 1 Day after text 4
Subject: Homeownership FAQs…
Here are some common FAQs about homeownership:
How much do I need for a downpayment?
You may be able to secure a loan with as little as 5%, 3.5%, 1% or even 0% down. The amount depends on many variables and your unique situation. I’d be happy to help you figure out how much YOU will need. Just reach out by phone, text, or email and we can setup some time to chat.
How much house can I afford?
Finding an exact number can be difficult without a mortgage professional who can help you understand what you qualify for, discuss what kind of payment you’re comfortable with, compare loan programs, and help you get a low rate.
What will my rate be?
You may be tempted to guess what your rate may be by comparing online rate quotes, but it’s much more complicated than that. The best way to see what rate you qualify for and to get a low rate is to talk with a local mortgage professional.
I just want you to know that I’ve been in the lending business for a long time, and I’ve seen it all. Because of my experience, I love helping folks who may think that they can’t buy a home yet because they don’t think they have enough money or good enough credit.
My specialty is helping those same people qualify for low rate financing and move into a home of their own.
When is the best time to chat?
Please reply and let me know.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
PS, I have a great story to share in the next email.
Email #5: 2 Days After Email 4
Subject: Does this story sound familiar?
Body: Hey <FIRSTNAME>,
Here’s that story that I wanted to share with you (I mentioned it in my last email)…
Christian and Laura were a recently married couple with a young child, and really wanted to own their own home. Now all they needed to do was come up with the money for the down payment and the closing costs – and they had read that with tighter credit standards they would need more money down. Christian and Laura thought that they would need 20% to put down on a home in order to qualify. They didn’t hold much hope though, as they hadn’t been able to put much money aside for a down payment after paying their rent, utilities, student loans, car payments and having a little bit left for buying a cup of coffee once in a while.
Even still, they happened to see a house one day and they fell in love. Christian and Laura decided to see if there were any options, anything at all they could do. They were referred to me to see if I could somehow help them arrange financing so they could purchase that house, and make it a home.
We sat down together, and after I reviewed their entire situation, I went to work for them, intent on finding a way to help them get their house.
As Christian and Laura found out, experience helps. Since this was their first home purchase they lacked experience, but they were able to use mine. I showed Christian and Laura how they could use the money they had saved as a down payment, and the seller and lender could pay their closing costs. Combining that with a recently offered low down payment program that they weren’t aware of, I was able to help them buy their house and make it their home!
The kicker? They are actually paying less now each month than they were paying in rent!
It just goes to show that when you work with a professional who is dedicated to helping you own the home of your dreams, it does happen.
I hope that you find that home of your dreams too!
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
P.S. I’d love to help you too, but I can’t help if I don’t know the particulars. Even if you think it might be too early in the process, or that you are not quite ready yet, reach out and introduce yourself and let’s talk about how I can help you. It’s better to talk too early in the process than too late, and there are lots of things you can do early on to get a better rate and have a better experience when you do decide you are ready. Give me a call, (555) 555-5555.
Email #6: 2 Days After Email 5
Subject: When you are ready…
In mortgage lending there are a lot of things that are uncertain, but one thing I can be sure about is that every scenario is unique. It is important to know exactly what applies to your unique situation, which is why I was hoping to have heard from you by now so I could discuss it with you and be able to help. I’d like to get to know you better so I can truly be a resource for you, like I have for so many others looking to buy a home.
I’m here, ready, and able.
Move at your own pace, but please reach out when time allows so I can make the process of getting a mortgage simpler and easier for you. Remember that the time to talk is BEFORE you are ready to put in an offer on a home, because often times a bit of preparation early on saves you a lot of headaches later.
Even if you think you may be wasting my time, let’s talk anyway. Helping you is never a waste of my time, and you’re not under any obligation at all.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
Top 10 Programs
*Replace the bold font with your information*
Phone Call 1: Immediately
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>, <LO title> with <LO Company Name>. I just received your information and I’m really excited because I’ve helped a lot of people in your area already with one of my top 10 loan programs and it seems like you may be great fit. When would be a good time to talk about loans we have to offer? You can reach me at <LO phone number>. Thanks, talk to you soon!
Text 1: 5 minutes after call 1
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>, <LO title> with <LO Company Name>. I just left a voicemail regarding the information you submitted about my top 10 loan programs. When would be a good time to talk?
Email #1: 5 minutes after text 1
Subject: Your Top 10 Loan Programs Inquiry
Body: Hi <Lead Name>
I received your information for my top 10 loan programs.
When would be a good time to talk about what loan programs I have to offer?
Reply to this email or call/text me at (555) 555-5555.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
Phone Call 2: One Day After email 1
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>. I’m calling to follow up on the voicemail I left for you yesterday. Have time to talk <this/next> week about what you may qualify for? Go ahead and give me a call at <LO Phone>. Thanks, talk soon!
Text 2: 1 Hour after call 2
Script: Hi <lead name>. I’m following up on the text I sent yesterday. Have time to talk <this/next> week about what loans you may qualify for?
Email #2: 1 Day after text 2
Subject: Homeownership Explained…
Body: Hi <Lead Name>,
Home ownership means never having to worry about moving. Owning a home gives you a feeling that’s hard to describe… it makes you feel like you’ve arrived, like you’ve succeeded.
Home ownership simply feels GOOD.
The process of buying a home though is both a thrilling and exhausting experience, especially when it comes to getting the mortgage. Think about the mounds of paperwork, the different programs available, the way rates move… right?
But I want you to know I’m here to help. That means answering questions, with answers that apply to YOU and YOUR unique situation.
It also means helping you get a low rate. Did you know that I monitor market conditions, and can help you get a low rate?
I’m also here to make the process easier, to help satisfy all of the conditions of getting a mortgage, and to make sure that you take advantage of the different options that may be available.
Did you know that there are literally dozens of different mortgage loans available?
I can help find the right ones for you.
Call me at 555-555-5555 so I can walk you through the process of getting approved, and help you feel good buying a home.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
P.S. tomorrow I’ll show you how you might be able to get me (or any other lender) to help pay your closing costs!
Phone Call 3: One day after email 2
Script: Hi <lead name>, this is <lo name>. Do you have time to talk <this/next> week? I get hundreds of questions about home loans and I want to make sure you’re prepared with all the information you need. My number is <phone number>. Looking forward to talking soon.
Text 3: 1 Hour after call 3
Script: Hi <lead name>, have time to talk <this/next> week? I want to make sure you have all your questions answered to be best prepared for a home loan. Talk soon!
Email #3: 1 day after text 3
Subject: Get the lender to pay your closing costs?
I found another resource guide that I thought may be helpful to you, and it’s a quick read. It explains how you can have the lender pay some or even all of your closing costs!
You can grab a copy of it here:
>>> View and download the resource guide
I know that buying a home and everything that goes with it can be confusing and even overwhelming, especially qualifying for a mortgage.
I hope the resources I share with you help. Remember that I’m always here to help too.
Call me at 555-555-5555 so I can walk you through the process of homeownership and equip you with all the info you need.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
PS, tomorrow I’ll share the FAQs of homeownership.
Phone Call 4: One day after email 3
Script: Hi <lead name>, this is <lo name>. I understand you may be busy and have other priorities right now. If you prefer not to stay in contact, please let me know… I’ll understand. I don’t want to pester you but I don’t want to lose touch either. If you’re still interested in a home loan, call me back at <LO number>. Thanks, have a great day!
Text 4: 1 hour after call 4
Script: Hi <lead name>, it looks like I missed you again earlier today. If you’ve gotten busy and prefer not to stay in contact, please just let me know…I’ll understand. If you’d still like to chat about your home financing, let’s go ahead and get a phone call booked right now.
Email #4: 1 Day after text 4
Subject: Homeownership FAQs…
Here are some common FAQs about homeownership:
How much do I need for a downpayment?
You may be able to secure a loan with as little as 5%, 3.5%, 1% or even 0% down. The amount depends on many variables and your unique situation. I’d be happy to help you figure out how much YOU will need. Just reach out by phone, text, or email and we can setup some time to chat.
How much house can I afford?
Finding an exact number can be difficult without a mortgage professional who can help you understand what you qualify for, discuss what kind of payment you’re comfortable with, compare loan programs, and help you get a low rate.
What will my rate be?
You may be tempted to guess what your rate may be by comparing online rate quotes, but it’s much more complicated than that. The best way to see what rate you qualify for and to get a low rate is to talk with a local mortgage professional.
I just want you to know that I’ve been in the lending business for a long time, and I’ve seen it all. Because of my experience, I love helping folks who may think that they can’t buy a home yet because they don’t think they have enough money or good enough credit.
My specialty is helping those same people qualify for low rate financing and move into a home of their own.
When is the best time to chat?
Please reply and let me know.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
PS, I have a great story to share in the next email.
Email #5: 2 Days After Email 4
Subject: Does this story sound familiar?
Body: Hey <FIRSTNAME>,
Here’s that story that I wanted to share with you (I mentioned it in my last email)…
Christian and Laura were a recently married couple with a young child, and really wanted to own their own home. Now all they needed to do was come up with the money for the down payment and the closing costs – and they had read that with tighter credit standards they would need more money down. Christian and Laura thought that they would need 20% to put down on a home in order to qualify. They didn’t hold much hope though, as they hadn’t been able to put much money aside for a down payment after paying their rent, utilities, student loans, car payments and having a little bit left for buying a cup of coffee once in a while.
Even still, they happened to see a house one day and they fell in love. Christian and Laura decided to see if there were any options, anything at all they could do. They were referred to me to see if I could somehow help them arrange financing so they could purchase that house, and make it a home.
We sat down together, and after I reviewed their entire situation, I went to work for them, intent on finding a way to help them get their house.
As Christian and Laura found out, experience helps. Since this was their first home purchase they lacked experience, but they were able to use mine. I showed Christian and Laura how they could use the money they had saved as a down payment, and the seller and lender could pay their closing costs. Combining that with a recently offered low down payment program that they weren’t aware of, I was able to help them buy their house and make it their home!
The kicker? They are actually paying less now each month than they were paying in rent!
It just goes to show that when you work with a professional who is dedicated to helping you own the home of your dreams, it does happen.
I hope that you find that home of your dreams too!
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
P.S. I’d love to help you too, but I can’t help if I don’t know the particulars. Even if you think it might be too early in the process, or that you are not quite ready yet, reach out and introduce yourself and let’s talk about how I can help you. It’s better to talk too early in the process than too late, and there are lots of things you can do early on to get a better rate and have a better experience when you do decide you are ready. Give me a call, (555) 555-5555.
Email #6: 2 Days After Email 5
Subject: When you are ready…
In mortgage lending there are a lot of things that are uncertain, but one thing I can be sure about is that every scenario is unique. It is important to know exactly what applies to your unique situation, which is why I was hoping to have heard from you by now so I could discuss it with you and be able to help. I’d like to get to know you better so I can truly be a resource for you, like I have for so many others looking to buy a home.
I’m here, ready, and able.
Move at your own pace, but please reach out when time allows so I can make the process of getting a mortgage simpler and easier for you. Remember that the time to talk is BEFORE you are ready to put in an offer on a home, because often times a bit of preparation early on saves you a lot of headaches later.
Even if you think you may be wasting my time, let’s talk anyway. Helping you is never a waste of my time, and you’re not under any obligation at all.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
Low/No Down Payment
*Replace the bold font with your information*
Phone Call 1: Immediately
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>, <LO title> with <LO Company Name>. I just received your information and I’m really excited because I’ve helped a lot of people in your area already with low down payment mortgage programs and it seems like you may be great fit. When would be a good time to talk about loans we have to offer? You can reach me at <LO phone number>. Thanks, talk to you soon!
Text 1: 5 minutes after call 1
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>, <LO title> with <LO Company Name>. I just left a voicemail regarding the information you submitted about low down payment mortgage programs. When would be a good time to talk?
Email #1: 5 minutes after text 1
Subject: Your Low Down Payment Mortgage Inquiry
Body: Hi <Lead Name>
I received your information for low down payment mortgage programs.
When would be a good time to talk about what loan programs I have to offer?
Reply to this email or call/text me at (555) 555-5555.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
Phone Call 2: One Day After email 1
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>. I’m calling to follow up on the voicemail I left for you yesterday. Have time to talk <this/next> week about what you may qualify for? Go ahead and give me a call at <LO Phone>. Thanks, talk soon!
Text 2: 1 Hour after call 2
Script: Hi <lead name>. I’m following up on the text I sent yesterday. Have time to talk <this/next> week about what loans you may qualify for?
Email #2: 1 Day after text 2
Subject: Homeownership Explained…
Body: Hi <Lead Name>,
Home ownership means never having to worry about moving. Owning a home gives you a feeling that’s hard to describe… it makes you feel like you’ve arrived, like you’ve succeeded.
Home ownership simply feels GOOD.
The process of buying a home though is both a thrilling and exhausting experience, especially when it comes to getting the mortgage. Think about the mounds of paperwork, the different programs available, the way rates move… right?
But I want you to know I’m here to help. That means answering questions, with answers that apply to YOU and YOUR unique situation.
It also means helping you get a low rate. Did you know that I monitor market conditions, and can help you get a low rate?
I’m also here to make the process easier, to help satisfy all of the conditions of getting a mortgage, and to make sure that you take advantage of the different options that may be available.
Did you know that there are literally dozens of different mortgage loans available?
I can help find the right ones for you.
Call me at 555-555-5555 so I can walk you through the process of getting approved, and help you feel good buying a home.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
P.S. tomorrow I’ll show you how you might be able to get me (or any other lender) to help pay your closing costs!
Phone Call 3: One day after email 2
Script: Hi <lead name>, this is <lo name>. Do you have time to talk <this/next> week? I get hundreds of questions about low down payment mortgage programs and I want to make sure you’re prepared with all the information you need. My number is <phone number>. Looking forward to talking soon.
Text 3: 1 Hour after call 3
Script: Hi <lead name>, have time to talk <this/next> week? I want to make sure you have all your questions answered to be best prepared for a home loan. Talk soon!
Email #3: 1 day after text 3
Subject: Get the lender to pay your closing costs?
I found another resource guide that I thought may be helpful to you, and it’s a quick read. It explains how you can have the lender pay some or even all of your closing costs!
You can grab a copy of it here:
>>> View and download the resource guide
I know that buying a home and everything that goes with it can be confusing and even overwhelming, especially qualifying for a mortgage.
I hope the resources I share with you help. Remember that I’m always here to help too.
Call me at 555-555-5555 so I can walk you through the process of homeownership and equip you with all the info you need.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
PS, tomorrow I’ll share the FAQs of homeownership.
Phone Call 4: One day after email 3
Script: Hi <lead name>, this is <lo name>. I understand you may be busy and have other priorities right now. If you prefer not to stay in contact, please let me know… I’ll understand. I don’t want to pester you but I don’t want to lose touch either. If you’re still interested in a home loan, call me back at <LO number>. Thanks, have a great day!
Text 4: 1 hour after call 4
Script: Hi <lead name>, it looks like I missed you again earlier today. If you’ve gotten busy and prefer not to stay in contact, please just let me know…I’ll understand. If you’d still like to chat about your home financing, let’s go ahead and get a phone call booked right now.
Email #4: 1 Day after text 4
Subject: Low Down Payment Mortgage Program FAQs…
Here are some common FAQs about low down payment mortgage programs:
How much do I need for a downpayment?
You may be able to secure a loan with as little as 5%, 3.5%, 1% or even 0% down. The amount depends on many variables and your unique situation. I’d be happy to help you figure out how much YOU will need. Just reach out by phone, text, or email and we can setup some time to chat.
How much house can I afford?
Finding an exact number can be difficult without a mortgage professional who can help you understand what you qualify for, discuss what kind of payment you’re comfortable with, compare loan programs, and help you get a low rate.
What will my rate be?
You may be tempted to guess what your rate may be by comparing online rate quotes, but it’s much more complicated than that. The best way to see what rate you qualify for and to get a low rate is to talk with a local mortgage professional.
I just want you to know that I’ve been in the lending business for a long time, and I’ve seen it all. Because of my experience, I love helping folks who may think that they can’t buy a home yet because they don’t think they have enough money or good enough credit.
My specialty is helping those same people qualify for low rate financing and move into a home of their own.
When is the best time to chat?
Please reply and let me know.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
PS, I have a great story to share in the next email.
Email #5: 2 Days After Email 4
Subject: Does this story sound familiar?
Body: Hey <FIRSTNAME>,
Here’s that story that I wanted to share with you (I mentioned it in my last email)…
Christian and Laura were a recently married couple with a young child, and really wanted to own their own home. Now all they needed to do was come up with the money for the down payment and the closing costs – and they had read that with tighter credit standards they would need more money down. Christian and Laura thought that they would need 20% to put down on a home in order to qualify. They didn’t hold much hope though, as they hadn’t been able to put much money aside for a down payment after paying their rent, utilities, student loans, car payments and having a little bit left for buying a cup of coffee once in a while.
Even still, they happened to see a house one day and they fell in love. Christian and Laura decided to see if there were any options, anything at all they could do. They were referred to me to see if I could somehow help them arrange financing so they could purchase that house, and make it a home.
We sat down together, and after I reviewed their entire situation, I went to work for them, intent on finding a way to help them get their house.
As Christian and Laura found out, experience helps. Since this was their first home purchase they lacked experience, but they were able to use mine. I showed Christian and Laura how they could use the money they had saved as a down payment, and the seller and lender could pay their closing costs. Combining that with a recently offered low down payment program that they weren’t aware of, I was able to help them buy their house and make it their home!
The kicker? They are actually paying less now each month than they were paying in rent!
It just goes to show that when you work with a professional who is dedicated to helping you own the home of your dreams, it does happen.
I hope that you find that home of your dreams too!
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
P.S. I’d love to help you too, but I can’t help if I don’t know the particulars. Even if you think it might be too early in the process, or that you are not quite ready yet, reach out and introduce yourself and let’s talk about how I can help you. It’s better to talk too early in the process than too late, and there are lots of things you can do early on to get a better rate and have a better experience when you do decide you are ready. Give me a call, (555) 555-5555.
Email #6: 2 Days After Email 5
Subject: When you are ready…
In mortgage lending there are a lot of things that are uncertain, but one thing I can be sure about is that every scenario is unique. It is important to know exactly what applies to your unique situation, which is why I was hoping to have heard from you by now so I could discuss it with you and be able to help. I’d like to get to know you better so I can truly be a resource for you, like I have for so many others looking to buy a home.
I’m here, ready, and able.
Move at your own pace, but please reach out when time allows so I can make the process of getting a mortgage simpler and easier for you. Remember that the time to talk is BEFORE you are ready to put in an offer on a home, because often times a bit of preparation early on saves you a lot of headaches later.
Even if you think you may be wasting my time, let’s talk anyway. Helping you is never a waste of my time, and you’re not under any obligation at all.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
Local Area Is Hot
*Replace the bold font with your information*
Phone Call 1: Immediately
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>, <LO title> with <LO Company Name>. I just received your information and I’m really excited because I’ve helped a lot of people in your area already with a mortgage and it seems like you may be great fit. When would be a good time to talk about loans we have to offer? You can reach me at <LO phone number>. Thanks, talk to you soon!
Text 1: 5 minutes after call 1
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>, <LO title> with <LO Company Name>. I just left a voicemail regarding the information you submitted about a mortgage in your area. When would be a good time to talk?
Email #1: 5 minutes after text 1
Subject: Your Local Area Inquiry
Body: Hi <Lead Name>
I received your information for homes in local area.
When would be a good time to talk about what loan programs I have to offer?
Reply to this email or call/text me at (555) 555-5555.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
Phone Call 2: One Day After email 1
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>. I’m calling to follow up on the voicemail I left for you yesterday. Have time to talk <this/next> week about what you may qualify for? Go ahead and give me a call at <LO Phone>. Thanks, talk soon!
Text 2: 1 Hour after call 2
Script: Hi <lead name>. I’m following up on the text I sent yesterday. Have time to talk <this/next> week about what loans you may qualify for?
Email #2: 1 Day after text 2
Subject: Homeownership Explained…
Body: Hi <Lead Name>,
Home ownership means never having to worry about moving. Owning a home gives you a feeling that’s hard to describe… it makes you feel like you’ve arrived, like you’ve succeeded.
Home ownership simply feels GOOD.
The process of buying a home though is both a thrilling and exhausting experience, especially when it comes to getting the mortgage. Think about the mounds of paperwork, the different programs available, the way rates move… right?
But I want you to know I’m here to help. That means answering questions, with answers that apply to YOU and YOUR unique situation.
It also means helping you get a low rate. Did you know that I monitor market conditions, and can help you get a low rate?
I’m also here to make the process easier, to help satisfy all of the conditions of getting a mortgage, and to make sure that you take advantage of the different options that may be available.
Did you know that there are literally dozens of different mortgage loans available?
I can help find the right ones for you.
Call me at 555-555-5555 so I can walk you through the process of getting approved, and help you feel good buying a home.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
P.S. tomorrow I’ll show you how you might be able to get me (or any other lender) to help pay your closing costs!
Phone Call 3: One day after email 2
Script: Hi <lead name>, this is <lo name>. Do you have time to talk <this/next> week? I get hundreds of questions about mortgage programs and I want to make sure you’re prepared with all the information you need. My number is <phone number>. Looking forward to talking soon.
Text 3: 1 Hour after call 3
Script: Hi <lead name>, have time to talk <this/next> week? I want to make sure you have all your questions answered to be best prepared for a home loan. Talk soon!
Email #3: 1 day after text 3
Subject: Get the lender to pay your closing costs?
I found another resource guide that I thought may be helpful to you, and it’s a quick read. It explains how you can have the lender pay some or even all of your closing costs!
You can grab a copy of it here:
>>> View and download the resource guide
I know that buying a home and everything that goes with it can be confusing and even overwhelming, especially qualifying for a mortgage.
I hope the resources I share with you help. Remember that I’m always here to help too.
Call me at 555-555-5555 so I can walk you through the process of homeownership and equip you with all the info you need.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
PS, tomorrow I’ll share the FAQs of homeownership.
Phone Call 4: One day after email 3
Script: Hi <lead name>, this is <lo name>. I understand you may be busy and have other priorities right now. If you prefer not to stay in contact, please let me know… I’ll understand. I don’t want to pester you but I don’t want to lose touch either. If you’re still interested in a home loan, call me back at <LO number>. Thanks, have a great day!
Text 4: 1 hour after call 4
Script: Hi <lead name>, it looks like I missed you again earlier today. If you’ve gotten busy and prefer not to stay in contact, please just let me know…I’ll understand. If you’d still like to chat about your home financing, let’s go ahead and get a phone call booked right now.
Email #4: 1 Day after text 4
Subject: Low Down Payment Mortgage Program FAQs…
Here are some common FAQs about low down payment mortgage programs:
How much do I need for a downpayment?
You may be able to secure a loan with as little as 5%, 3.5%, 1% or even 0% down. The amount depends on many variables and your unique situation. I’d be happy to help you figure out how much YOU will need. Just reach out by phone, text, or email and we can setup some time to chat.
How much house can I afford?
Finding an exact number can be difficult without a mortgage professional who can help you understand what you qualify for, discuss what kind of payment you’re comfortable with, compare loan programs, and help you get a low rate.
What will my rate be?
You may be tempted to guess what your rate may be by comparing online rate quotes, but it’s much more complicated than that. The best way to see what rate you qualify for and to get a low rate is to talk with a local mortgage professional.
I just want you to know that I’ve been in the lending business for a long time, and I’ve seen it all. Because of my experience, I love helping folks who may think that they can’t buy a home yet because they don’t think they have enough money or good enough credit.
My specialty is helping those same people qualify for low rate financing and move into a home of their own.
When is the best time to chat?
Please reply and let me know.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
PS, I have a great story to share in the next email.
Email #5: 2 Days After Email 4
Subject: Does this story sound familiar?
Body: Hey <FIRSTNAME>,
Here’s that story that I wanted to share with you (I mentioned it in my last email)…
Christian and Laura were a recently married couple with a young child, and really wanted to own their own home. Now all they needed to do was come up with the money for the down payment and the closing costs – and they had read that with tighter credit standards they would need more money down. Christian and Laura thought that they would need 20% to put down on a home in order to qualify. They didn’t hold much hope though, as they hadn’t been able to put much money aside for a down payment after paying their rent, utilities, student loans, car payments and having a little bit left for buying a cup of coffee once in a while.
Even still, they happened to see a house one day and they fell in love. Christian and Laura decided to see if there were any options, anything at all they could do. They were referred to me to see if I could somehow help them arrange financing so they could purchase that house, and make it a home.
We sat down together, and after I reviewed their entire situation, I went to work for them, intent on finding a way to help them get their house.
As Christian and Laura found out, experience helps. Since this was their first home purchase they lacked experience, but they were able to use mine. I showed Christian and Laura how they could use the money they had saved as a down payment, and the seller and lender could pay their closing costs. Combining that with a recently offered low down payment program that they weren’t aware of, I was able to help them buy their house and make it their home!
The kicker? They are actually paying less now each month than they were paying in rent!
It just goes to show that when you work with a professional who is dedicated to helping you own the home of your dreams, it does happen.
I hope that you find that home of your dreams too!
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
P.S. I’d love to help you too, but I can’t help if I don’t know the particulars. Even if you think it might be too early in the process, or that you are not quite ready yet, reach out and introduce yourself and let’s talk about how I can help you. It’s better to talk too early in the process than too late, and there are lots of things you can do early on to get a better rate and have a better experience when you do decide you are ready. Give me a call, (555) 555-5555.
Email #6: 2 Days After Email 5
Subject: When you are ready…
In mortgage lending there are a lot of things that are uncertain, but one thing I can be sure about is that every scenario is unique. It is important to know exactly what applies to your unique situation, which is why I was hoping to have heard from you by now so I could discuss it with you and be able to help. I’d like to get to know you better so I can truly be a resource for you, like I have for so many others looking to buy a home.
I’m here, ready, and able.
Move at your own pace, but please reach out when time allows so I can make the process of getting a mortgage simpler and easier for you. Remember that the time to talk is BEFORE you are ready to put in an offer on a home, because often times a bit of preparation early on saves you a lot of headaches later.
Even if you think you may be wasting my time, let’s talk anyway. Helping you is never a waste of my time, and you’re not under any obligation at all.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
Property Listing
*Replace the bold font with your information*
Phone Call 1: Immediately
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>, <LO title> with <LO Company Name>. I just received your information and I’m really excited because I’ve helped a lot of people in your area already with a mortgage and it seems like you may be great fit. When would be a good time to talk about loans we have to offer? You can reach me at <LO phone number>. Thanks, talk to you soon!
Text 1: 5 minutes after call 1
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>, <LO title> with <LO Company Name>. I just left a voicemail regarding the information you submitted about a property in your area. When would be a good time to talk?
Email #1: 5 minutes after text 1
Subject: Your (Property Address) Inquiry
Body: Hi <Lead Name>
I received your information for a property located at (address).
When would be a good time to talk about what loan programs I have to offer?
Reply to this email or call/text me at (555) 555-5555.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
Phone Call 2: One Day After email 1
Script: Hi <Lead Name>, this is <LO Name>. I’m calling to follow up on the voicemail I left for you yesterday. Have time to talk <this/next> week about what you may qualify for? Go ahead and give me a call at <LO Phone>. Thanks, talk soon!
Text 2: 1 Hour after call 2
Script: Hi <lead name>. I’m following up on the text I sent yesterday. Have time to talk <this/next> week about what loans you may qualify for?
Email #2: 1 Day after text 2
Subject: Homeownership Explained…
Body: Hi <Lead Name>,
Home ownership means never having to worry about moving. Owning a home gives you a feeling that’s hard to describe… it makes you feel like you’ve arrived, like you’ve succeeded.
Home ownership simply feels GOOD.
The process of buying a home though is both a thrilling and exhausting experience, especially when it comes to getting the mortgage. Think about the mounds of paperwork, the different programs available, the way rates move… right?
But I want you to know I’m here to help. That means answering questions, with answers that apply to YOU and YOUR unique situation.
It also means helping you get a low rate. Did you know that I monitor market conditions, and can help you get a low rate?
I’m also here to make the process easier, to help satisfy all of the conditions of getting a mortgage, and to make sure that you take advantage of the different options that may be available.
Did you know that there are literally dozens of different mortgage loans available?
I can help find the right ones for you.
Call me at 555-555-5555 so I can walk you through the process of getting approved, and help you feel good buying a home.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
P.S. tomorrow I’ll show you how you might be able to get me (or any other lender) to help pay your closing costs!
Phone Call 3: One day after email 2
Script: Hi <lead name>, this is <lo name>. Do you have time to talk <this/next> week? I get hundreds of questions about mortgage programs and I want to make sure you’re prepared with all the information you need. My number is <phone number>. Looking forward to talking soon.
Text 3: 1 Hour after call 3
Script: Hi <lead name>, have time to talk <this/next> week? I want to make sure you have all your questions answered to be best prepared for a home loan. Talk soon!
Email #3: 1 day after text 3
Subject: Get the lender to pay your closing costs?
I found another resource guide that I thought may be helpful to you, and it’s a quick read. It explains how you can have the lender pay some or even all of your closing costs!
You can grab a copy of it here:
>>> View and download the resource guide
I know that buying a home and everything that goes with it can be confusing and even overwhelming, especially qualifying for a mortgage.
I hope the resources I share with you help. Remember that I’m always here to help too.
Call me at 555-555-5555 so I can walk you through the process of homeownership and equip you with all the info you need.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
PS, tomorrow I’ll share the FAQs of homeownership.
Phone Call 4: One day after email 3
Script: Hi <lead name>, this is <lo name>. I understand you may be busy and have other priorities right now. If you prefer not to stay in contact, please let me know… I’ll understand. I don’t want to pester you but I don’t want to lose touch either. If you’re still interested in a home loan, call me back at <LO number>. Thanks, have a great day!
Text 4: 1 hour after call 4
Script: Hi <lead name>, it looks like I missed you again earlier today. If you’ve gotten busy and prefer not to stay in contact, please just let me know…I’ll understand. If you’d still like to chat about your home financing, let’s go ahead and get a phone call booked right now.
Email #4: 1 Day after text 4
Subject: Low Down Payment Mortgage Program FAQs…
Here are some common FAQs about low down payment mortgage programs:
How much do I need for a downpayment?
You may be able to secure a loan with as little as 5%, 3.5%, 1% or even 0% down. The amount depends on many variables and your unique situation. I’d be happy to help you figure out how much YOU will need. Just reach out by phone, text, or email and we can setup some time to chat.
How much house can I afford?
Finding an exact number can be difficult without a mortgage professional who can help you understand what you qualify for, discuss what kind of payment you’re comfortable with, compare loan programs, and help you get a low rate.
What will my rate be?
You may be tempted to guess what your rate may be by comparing online rate quotes, but it’s much more complicated than that. The best way to see what rate you qualify for and to get a low rate is to talk with a local mortgage professional.
I just want you to know that I’ve been in the lending business for a long time, and I’ve seen it all. Because of my experience, I love helping folks who may think that they can’t buy a home yet because they don’t think they have enough money or good enough credit.
My specialty is helping those same people qualify for low rate financing and move into a home of their own.
When is the best time to chat?
Please reply and let me know.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
PS, I have a great story to share in the next email.
Email #5: 2 Days After Email 4
Subject: Does this story sound familiar?
Body: Hey <FIRSTNAME>,
Here’s that story that I wanted to share with you (I mentioned it in my last email)…
Christian and Laura were a recently married couple with a young child, and really wanted to own their own home. Now all they needed to do was come up with the money for the down payment and the closing costs – and they had read that with tighter credit standards they would need more money down. Christian and Laura thought that they would need 20% to put down on a home in order to qualify. They didn’t hold much hope though, as they hadn’t been able to put much money aside for a down payment after paying their rent, utilities, student loans, car payments and having a little bit left for buying a cup of coffee once in a while.
Even still, they happened to see a house one day and they fell in love. Christian and Laura decided to see if there were any options, anything at all they could do. They were referred to me to see if I could somehow help them arrange financing so they could purchase that house, and make it a home.
We sat down together, and after I reviewed their entire situation, I went to work for them, intent on finding a way to help them get their house.
As Christian and Laura found out, experience helps. Since this was their first home purchase they lacked experience, but they were able to use mine. I showed Christian and Laura how they could use the money they had saved as a down payment, and the seller and lender could pay their closing costs. Combining that with a recently offered low down payment program that they weren’t aware of, I was able to help them buy their house and make it their home!
The kicker? They are actually paying less now each month than they were paying in rent!
It just goes to show that when you work with a professional who is dedicated to helping you own the home of your dreams, it does happen.
I hope that you find that home of your dreams too!
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
P.S. I’d love to help you too, but I can’t help if I don’t know the particulars. Even if you think it might be too early in the process, or that you are not quite ready yet, reach out and introduce yourself and let’s talk about how I can help you. It’s better to talk too early in the process than too late, and there are lots of things you can do early on to get a better rate and have a better experience when you do decide you are ready. Give me a call, (555) 555-5555.
Email #6: 2 Days After Email 5
Subject: When you are ready…
In mortgage lending there are a lot of things that are uncertain, but one thing I can be sure about is that every scenario is unique. It is important to know exactly what applies to your unique situation, which is why I was hoping to have heard from you by now so I could discuss it with you and be able to help. I’d like to get to know you better so I can truly be a resource for you, like I have for so many others looking to buy a home.
I’m here, ready, and able.
Move at your own pace, but please reach out when time allows so I can make the process of getting a mortgage simpler and easier for you. Remember that the time to talk is BEFORE you are ready to put in an offer on a home, because often times a bit of preparation early on saves you a lot of headaches later.
Even if you think you may be wasting my time, let’s talk anyway. Helping you is never a waste of my time, and you’re not under any obligation at all.
LO Name
LO Company Name
NMLS #555555
Long Nurture Follow Up
Email #1: After initial automation
Subject – Which story will you tell?
Have you ever heard a “home buying horror story?” If you’re like most people, then you probably have.
And you’ve likely heard some home buying success stories too.
Does it feel like your odds of having a good or bad home buying experience are 50/50 at best? If so, don’t worry – we’re about to tip the scales in your favor.
By making sure that you are an informed and prepared home buyer who knows what the pros know.
I’ve helped guide thousands (I’ve been around a while) of people through the home buying and financing process.
Imagine for a moment how many mistakes I’ve seen people make… the number is high.
I’ve also seen and been a part of many, many home buying success stories.
Now imagine that you’ve got all of my knowledge and experience to help you navigate through your home buying process.
Are you starting to feel better about your chances of a success story? I hope so, because between now and the time you buy your home, I’m going to share what I know with you.
I’m going to help you learn how to buy a home the right way and how to avoid the pitfalls and mistakes that I’ve seen other home buyers make.
And in my next email we’re going to get right into it.
In fact, in my next email I’m going to give you my #1 tip for a successful home buying experience!
Keep an eye out. You won’t want to miss it.
Your Mortgage Pro,
Email #2: 2 Weeks After Email #1
Subject – My #1 tip
In my last email I promised you that I’d share my #1 tip for a smooth home buying process… and here it is:
My #1 Tip: Assemble the right team.
What does this mean?
Unfortunately, many real estate and mortgage professionals are simply not up to the task – and if you get stuck with one of these bad eggs, you could end up dealing with everything from inexperience to incompetence to apathy and even worse.
Hiring one of these bad seeds is the number one regret many home buyers have and the biggest reason they’ve had a bad experience.
How do they end up hiring these bad seeds?
They choose a real estate agent because they went to high school together, or they know them from the gym, or their kids are in the same daycare – and not because of the real estate agent’s qualifications. They pick their mortgage person based on where they bank or because they met at some social function or get together, and not because the mortgage professional has proven to be knowledgeable, experienced and up to the task. They hire a home inspector based on the inspector’s office location or because they’re $50 cheaper than another inspector, and not because their professional real estate agent gave them the names of home inspectors with quality reputations and loads of experience.
Can you see why hiring an exceptional team is so important?
So how do you find the right people for the different jobs you need to be done?
Start with who you know and trust.
If you already know a great mortgage professional, ask them for recommendations of quality real estate agents.
If you already know a knowledgeable and experienced real estate agent, ask them for recommendations for a mortgage professional and home inspector.
If you don’t know anyone, here are a few other ways to find quality professionals:
Do some online research. Search on Google and Facebook. Read reviews and comments left by their past clients.
Ask your friends and family who they recommend… but be careful not to take their recommendations at face value. Ask them “why” they made that recommendation and then do some additional research.
If you trust your insurance agent, ask them to give you a few recommendations. Chances are they know a number of real estate and mortgage professionals.
If you’re struggling to assemble your team or if you have questions, I’m happy to help. Just reply to this email or give me a call.
In my next email, I’m going to give you my 2nd most important tip (it may even be equal in importance to the tip in this email)
Until Next Time,
Email #3: 2 Weeks After Email #2
Subject – My #2 biggest tip
I hope you’re having a great day. This email is a little longer than most, but I think you’ll agree, it’s worth it.
Last time we discussed how critical it is to pick the right home buying team. If you missed that email, you’ll want to go back and check it out.
In today’s email, I’m going to reveal an equally important tip, which is…
Tip #2 – Get a thorough, quality mortgage pre-approval
I know, it’s shocking that a mortgage professional would recommend that you get a mortgage pre-approval, right?
I realize this sounds like a self-serving tip, but I assure you, that’s not why I’m suggesting this step. What I’m about to share with you is 100% in your best interests.
Before we get into the reasons why a quality pre-approval is important, it’s important to understand the difference between a “quality pre-approval” and a “typical pre-approval”.
A typical pre-approval is what most mortgage people (I hesitate to call them professionals) will provide when you call or meet with them to see about getting a mortgage.
They will ask you some qualifying questions about your work history, income, debts, credit, etc. Then based on the verbal information you’ve provided, they tell you whether you can get approved for a home loan. They might even give you a pre-approval letter (a big mistake at this point).
The problem is – this isn’t a pre-approval.
What I described above is a mortgage pre-qualification. Unfortunately, many mortgage people either don’t know the difference between the two or they don’t care to do the extra work it takes to get you a quality pre-approval.
…and this can cost you big-time!
So let’s go over the details of a quality pre-approval and why you want one.
Getting a quality pre-approval begins with the same phone call or in-person meeting and qualifying questions mentioned above.
It’s what happens next that determines if you’re getting a quality pre-approval. A true mortgage professional will take the extra step of asking you to provide some key financial documentation to support the verbal information you’ve provided.
It’s not that they don’t believe you, it’s because they know how important it is to verify how the lender is likely to calculate your income, verify your debts and otherwise review your application for loan approval.
Lending guidelines can be tricky, especially when it comes to income, so taking this extra step to document your income and assets is hugely important for your ultimate loan approval.
If a mortgage person simply, “takes your word for it,” and doesn’t request this additional documentation, this is a red flag and cause for concern.
Well, there’s a very good possibility that you’ll invest a lot of time and energy looking at homes that you may not ultimately be able to get approved to buy.
Or, you may be shopping for homes with the wrong loan program in mind.
Or, maybe you’re looking in a price range that results in a higher mortgage payment than you actually want to make.
The reasons to get a full-blown, quality mortgage pre-approval are many. And one of the biggest mistakes I’ve seen others make is to start shopping for homes based on a phone conversation and no review of their income, assets or credit by a true mortgage professional.
So make sure you get a full mortgage pre-approval, rather than a flimsy pre-qualification.
In my next email I’m going to let you in on the reasons why most real estate agents have a love/hate (mostly hate) relationship with websites like Zillow and Trulia – and why it should matter to you.
I’ll also show you what to watch out for on these sites so you don’t get led down the wrong road.
Have a great rest of your day!
Email #4: 2 Weeks After Email #3
Subject – Lookout for Zillow & Trulia!
Zillow and Trulia are two of the biggest home search websites on the web.
While they can be useful, many home buyers are not aware that #1 goal of these sites is to capture your information and sell you as a lead to local real estate and mortgage professionals… and not necessarily to provide you with the most accurate or helpful information.
This doesn’t make these sites all bad, or unuseful, but it is important to understand where they’re coming from and what their intentions are if you’re going to use them.
Here are a few things to keep in mind:
Both Zillow and Trulia have been proven to show, “homes for sale” that have already sold, are mispriced, are under contract or are no longer available. Real estate agents have reported seeing homes for sale on these sites that were sold months or even years ago.
Both Zillow and Trulia are not held responsible for the information they report. There is no governing body that watches these sites to ensure they are giving you accurate and useful information… so they often don’t provide you with either because more homes listings, equals more eyes on their website, equals more ad revenue in their pockets.
Both Zillow and Trulia provide home value estimates that are largely inaccurate. A mortgage friend of mine once took 15 of his most recent appraisals and compared them to Zillow and Trulia’s estimates for those same homes…only 6 of the 15 homes had appraised values that were within $2,000 of the values estimated on these sites. Most were way off, including one at a difference of -$32,947 and another at +$21,685.
Both Zillow and Trulia will sell your information to multiple real estate agents and mortgage professionals if you fill out any of their forms.
So proceed with caution and if you do inquire about anything, be prepared to get bombarded with calls, texts, and emails. Instead of asking for information from these sites directly, contact your own real estate agent or mortgage professional to get your questions answered.
The most accurate place to search for homes online is by going directly through your real estate agent.
Speaking of your real estate agent. Did you realize that most home buyers can get their real estate agent’s services for FREE?
We’ll discuss this in more detail in my next email – which might raise some eyebrows, so keep a look out for it.
Email #5: 2 Weeks After Email #4
Subject – “Free for you” real estate agents?
If you remember from my last email, I promised we’d discuss how your real estate agent’s services often come at no cost to you.
How is this possible?
In most home buying transactions, the seller pays BOTH the commission for both their real estate agent AND yours. So as the home buyer, it’s likely your agent and their representation will cost you nothing.
There are times when this isn’t true, so be sure to ask your real estate agent how they’ll be getting paid – just so you’re clear.
If you need help selecting a real estate agent, I can give you some names of agents I like and trust. Simply reply to this email with, “Please send me a list of quality agents” and I’ll email you back.
In my next email you’re going to get my top tip for boosting your credit scores fast. I’ve used this strategy dozens and dozens of times with great success…and it’s SO simple.
Until next time,
Email #6: 2 Weeks After Email #5
Subject – How to boost your scores fast
As you can imagine, credit scores are pretty important when it comes to getting a mortgage.
One point on your credit score can mean the difference between getting a loan or not.
One point on your credit score can mean paying thousands more or thousands less over the life of your loan.
And even if you have a good credit score, there’s likely room for improvement and it’s probably simple to do it.
So today I’m going to give you my #1 tip for quickly boosting your credit scores.
This tip will not work for everyone, but if it does apply to you, you’ll be glad to know about it!
Here’s my tip: Fix your balance-to-limit ratios on your revolving credit (such as credit cards).
Let’s look at a quick real-world example of how this is done.
John has a middle credit score of 632. He has 3 credit revolving credit accounts, all with perfect payment history, as outlined below:
Credit Card #1: Balance is $850 and credit limit is $1,000
Credit Card #2: Balance is $1,750 and credit limit is $2,500
Personal Credit Line: Balance is $3,200 and credit limit is $5,000
Now we’ll calculate his balance-to-limit ratio for each account.
Credit Card #1: $850 / $1,000 = 85% balance-to-limit ratio
Credit Card #2: $1,750 / $2,500 = 70% balance-to-limit ratio
Personal Credit Line: $3,200 / $5,000 = 64% balance-to-limit ratio
Why is John’s mid-score only 632 if he’s got perfect payment history? In this instance, it’s because his balance-to-limit ratios are too high.
To improve his scores we had him pay the balance down to 20% or lower on each of his revolving accounts.
The result? A 34 point boost in less than two weeks!
What John didn’t know is that “utilization of credit” is the #2 most important factor in your credit score (on-time payments is #1).
By carrying balances that were over 50% of his credit limits, he was actually damaging his credit score every month – even with perfect payment history.
If your balance to limit ratios on your revolving credit accounts is over 50%, start by paying them down to 50% (or lower) and watch your scores get a quick boost.
If you can pay them to 20% or lower, it’ll work even better and your scores should go higher.
NOTE: If I haven’t already reviewed your credit, and you’d like a free credit report, credit review and score optimization plan, all you have to do is reply to this email with optimize my scores in the subject line and I’ll get back to you with the next steps.
Next time I’m going to give you a strategy to help you make the right offer price when you do find your perfect home.
Until then, have a great rest of your day.
PS, we can streamline the steps needed with a quick phone chat whenever you’re ready to talk. Feel free to call me at %companyphone%.
Email #7: 2 Weeks After Email #6
Subject – How much should you offer?
Today I’m going to share with you a common and costly home buying mistake. Then I’m going to show you how to easily avoid it.
Avoid this mistake and you’ll avoid unnecessary stress, heartache and potentially losing out on your dream home.
The mistake: Making the wrong offer at the wrong time and in the wrong market.
What does this mean exactly?
Let’s look at a real-life example…
Newlyweds and soon-to-be parents Jon and Susan (not their real names) were looking to buy their first home. Like smart home buyers do, they started by getting pre-approved and then almost immediately started looking at homes.
It didn’t take long to find a great home that checked-off all their boxes.
It was the right size, located in the right neighborhood and priced right in the middle of their price range. They decided to make an offer to buy it.
The next morning their real estate agent called with the bad news. The sellers had rejected their offer! No counter-offer… just a flat-out rejection. Jon and Susan were crushed.
Why would the sellers do this to them?
The reason the sellers rejected the offer was because the offer price was $25,000 lower than the $250,000 asking price.
But wait, that’s only 10%. Surely this was a fair starting point, right?
This may have been a fair starting point in a housing market with fewer buyers and more homes available for sale. But this wasn’t that type of market.
This was a seller’s market – one where homes were flying off the shelf. New listings often got multiple offers and frequently sold for higher than the asking price. In this type of housing market, an offer that was 10% below the asking price was considered an insult.
The sellers and their agent knew that the home would fetch near the full asking price or even more, so the buyer’s low-ball offer wasn’t even considered.
Are you wondering why Jon and Susan’s real estate agent didn’t warn them that their offer was too low?
Their real estate agent did warn them. And they warned them on the next two low-ball offers they made too, both of which they also lost out on.
Why didn’t they listen do their agent?
I can’t say for sure, but maybe they were worried that their real estate agent was trying to get them to pay a higher price so they could get a higher commission. I’ve heard this concern before.
I’m not going to tell you that this doesn’t happen because it unfortunately does.
What I will tell you is that this type of short-sided real estate agent is far more the exception than the norm… and none of the agents I work with would ever do this.
A professional real estate agent will help you understand the type of housing market you’re shopping in and help you figure out what a good starting offer price should be.
In the end, it took Jon and Susan 3 offers and losing out on 3 homes before they realized that they were shopping in a housing market where low-ball offers did not stand a chance.
After adjusting their expectations and understanding that strong offers were needed to buy a home in the current market, they finally got their offer accepted on the next home they found and they’re still living there today.
And please don’t mistake this story for me talking badly about Jon and Susan. I don’t blame them one bit for wanting to get the best deal. I feel the same way when I’m making a big purchase.
They just needed to better understand what a good deal was in the market they were dealing with – and this is what I wanted to help you understand as well.
Please be sure to consult your agent to find out what kind of market you’re shopping in. Consider their advice closely so they can help you to best negotiate your home purchase.
Email #8: 2 Weeks After Email #7
Subject – You’ll pay less taxes
Some of the biggest benefits of owning a home are the tax benefits.
However, a lot of homeowners aren’t fully aware of all the tax deductions available to them – and missing out on even one deduction will cost you money.
Below I’ve listed, “The Top 10 Tax Deductions for Homeowners.”
Before we get into them however, I’d like to provide you a brief, high-level overview of how tax deductions work.
If you’re already familiar with how tax deductions work, feel free to skip down to the top 10 list below.
If you’re not familiar with what a tax deduction is, here’s what’s most important to understand:
A tax deduction reduces the amount of your income that you have to pay taxes on.
I’m about to give you a very simplified example to illustrate how this works – but I need to point out that I am not a licensed tax professional, and you should consult a tax professional to ensure what tax deductions you may or may not be eligible for.
That said, here’s the simple version of how it works:
Peter makes $65,000/year… he is in the 25% federal income tax bracket
With zero tax deductions he will pay $16,250 (25% of $65k) in taxes
Peter owns a home where he paid $15,000 in interest on his home loan and $3,000 in property taxes last year (both tax deductible for him)
His total deductions from owning a home equal $18,000
This means he gets to lower his $65,000 taxable income by $18,000, and only pay taxes on $47,000
Still in a 25% tax bracket, based on these deductions along, he will pay $11,750 in federal income taxes instead of the $16,250 he would have paid without tax deductions
Peter has saved $4,500 in income taxes… which means $4,500 more cash in his pocket
Now imagine if Peter’s income was closer to the next lower tax bracket.
What if his tax deductions had actually reduced his taxable income enough to move him from a 25% tax bracket to a 15% tax bracket. That’d mean even more savings! Pretty cool, right?
If you still have questions about how this works, please call your tax accountant. If you don’t have a tax accountant, I’m happy to help you find one.
Okay, now let’s have a look at:
“The Top 10 Tax Deductions for Homeowners” according to Nolo.com
(Nolo.com is a well-known legal website for attorneys)
Mortgage Interest
Discount Points (ask me if you’re unfamiliar with these)
Equity Loan interest
Home Improvement Loan Interest
Property Taxes
Home Office Deduction (careful here, this can be an audit red flag)
Selling Costs
Capital Gains Exclusion (when you sell your home)
Moving Costs
Mortgage Tax Credit
If you’d like to dive deeper and learn more about these deductions, you can read the full article here: https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/homeowner-tax-deductions-29693.html or visit www.irs.gov.
Email #9: 2 Weeks After Email #8
Subject – The “Shell Shuffle” game
You remember the Shell Shuffle game, right?
It’s the old street hustler game with three shells or cups and one small ball.
The ball is placed under one of the cups and then the hustler moves them around and around, trying to confuse and distract you at every opportunity – then he asks you to find the ball to win.
How does this relate to buying a home or getting a mortgage?
Well, some people play the shell shuffle game with their money, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing… unless you’re about to get a home loan.
Here are a few examples of money-shuffling:
They withdraw cash from their checking account at bank #1, then deposit it into their savings account at bank #2
They transfer money from their savings to their checking every few days to cover purchases
They withdraw cash to save at home and then deposit it back into their account for big purchases
They cash their paychecks and deposit the cash into different accounts, sometimes at different banks.
Just like the shell game can be confusing to the one playing it, the shuffling of money is confusing to your loan underwriter. The underwriter’s job it is to verify where the money is coming that you’ll be using to close your loan – and we definitely want to make their job as easy as possible.
Why is the underwriter required to verify where your money comes from?
It’s because there are certain sources of money that ineligible to be used in a home loan transaction.
In order to prove to the lender that the deposits going into your account are eligible, they have to be documented.
For your reference, here are a few of the more common “ineligible” sources of funds:
Credit card advances
Unsecured personal loans
Undocumentable cash deposits
Cash on hand
Illegally obtained funds
Money received from the sale of an asset that isn’t yours
If you have questions about the source of your money and whether it can be used for a home loan, please call me first, before you do any shuffling of funds.
I’ve helped my clients avoid some big and easily preventable headaches and I can help do the same for you.
Email #10: 2 Weeks After Email #9
Subject – Should you go big?
One common misconception about buying a home has to do with the down payment.
Some news, articles and well-intentioned “financial experts” will tell you that a 20% down payment or more is needed to get good home financing.
This simply isn’t true. There are many affordable loan programs that home buyers can use to buy a home with very little cash out of pocket.
Yes, having a down payment is nice and it can be a big benefit for home buyers. However, for many home buyers, taking years to save up for a down payment can actually come with some risks.
These risks of waiting are what’s important to understand.
Beginning with this email, we’re going to look at three potential risks of waiting until you’ve saved for a large down payment before you buy a home, starting with…
Risk #1. Rates going up
One common reason that people give for saving up 20% down payment before buying a home is that making a 20% down payment helps you to avoid mortgage insurance – and this is true.
However, what happens if interest rates go up 1%, 2%, 3% or more between now and the time it takes you to up your 20% down payment?
If rates go up, then it may have been cheaper to make a smaller down payment while rates were low and take on a small mortgage insurance premium (mortgage insurance is not as expensive as many believe).
In addition, you could have been paying down your loan during the time you were saving, and be enjoying the tax benefits I mentioned in my previous email.
Of course, interest rates could potentially go down too, so if you’re curious about this risk, let’s talk.
In my next email I’m going to cover Risk #2 of waiting to save up your down payment. This one could be even more costly.
Email #11: 2 Weeks After Email #10
Subject – Risk #2
Last time we discussed whether saving up for a large down payment is a good idea – and what potential risks you could be taking by waiting years before buying a home.
Today we’re going to discuss a second, equally big risk…
Risk #2. Home prices going up
How long will it take the average person to save up a 20% down payment?
There are many factors that go into this calculation, including home values for a particular area and average income, but according to Realtor.com, it’ll take the average renter anywhere from 10-20 years to save up 20% down.
…and what typically happens to home values over time?
They go up.
There are stretches of time when home values have gone down, but given enough time they’ve always rebounded and have always gone up… and that’s where the risk is.
Check out this cool interactive historical home value chart:
For the purposes of this discussion, let’s be conservative and use the lower time estimate of 10 years to save up a 20% down payment – and let’s say home values go up 15% over that time (sometimes they go up this much in 2-3 years).
If home values go up 15% between now and when you have your 20% down payment, it would mean paying a lot more for the same home you could buy at today’s current prices.
On a home valued at $200,000 today, if values go up 15% over 10 years, it would mean paying $230,000 in the future – and remember, you’d also be hoping that rates have remained low.
So you end up paying $30,000 more for the same home. That’s not a huge amount, considering it’s been 10 years – but let’s not forget that’s also 10 years of flushing money down the drain on rent while building wealth for your landlord.
That’s also 10 years of not paying down your mortgage loan, and 10 years of losing out on the tax benefits of owning a home. Ouch.
I hope you’re starting to see why saving up for a large down payment isn’t always as wise of a decision as the “financial experts” make it out to be.
Next week we’re going to discuss Risk #3 to waiting, which is something most people don’t even realize is a possibility.
Until then, enjoy your week.
Email #12: 2 Weeks After Email #11
Subject – The surprise risk
Over the past couple of emails, we’ve been talking about whether saving up a 20% down payment is a worthwhile goal.
We’ve discussed Risk #1. Rates going up.
We’ve also discussed Risk #2. Home prices going up.
Today we’re going to discuss….
Risk #3. Losing out on certain loan programs
Did you know that some loan programs offer unique benefits to those who are below a certain annual income.
These special loan programs can offer perks such as lower interest rates, cheaper mortgage insurance and lower down payment requirements.
How could this be a risk to the home buyer who waits until they have a 20% down payment before buying a home?
Do you anticipate your income going up or down over the next 5-10 years?
Hopefully up, right?
Well, if your income goes up and exceeds the limit for certain loan programs, you could end up missing out on some of the perks these programs have to offer versus if you’d bought a home while your income was below the limit.
If you’re lucky enough to have a rich uncle who wants to give you a large down payment to buy a home, by all means, make that down payment.
But if you’re going to need to save your own money, I highly encourage you to consider looking into your options for buying a home with little or no down payment now.
The risks to waiting are not talked about often enough, and they’re very real.