LeadPages Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Here's how it works...
Step 1: Select a landing page or form that matches what kind of leads you're trying to collect from the LeadPage library
Choose from niche specific landing pages like Community Heroes, VA loans and more. Or use a simple LeadForm to easily collect either short form or long form information directly from an ad.
Step 2: Drive traffic to that page (we find that Facebook ads work very well)
Use print ads, mailers, or online ads like Facebook or Google to drive traffic to your LeadPage or LeadForm. Create your own ad, or consider using one of our proven winning ads from our Ads Academy library.
Step 3: Follow up with and nurture the leads, building a pipeline of prospects
Follow up is they key to cold lead success. Have a thorough follow up system in place, knowing that most leads will take time to turn into loans. Some LeadPages even have follow up built in.